Eurotunnel or Ferry?

Cars boarding Eurotunnel train

Eurotunnel or Ferry?

Compare Eurotunnel and ferry prices for your travel dates and see which is cheapest!

Decide the Best Way to Cross the English Channel

Use our straightforward price comparison tool to make choosing your ideal channel crossing simple. Compare prices and travel times for both the Eurotunnel and cross-channel ferries for your specific travel dates.

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Cars boarding Eurotunnel train

Cars boarding the Eurotunnel Le Shuttle train.

Eurotunnel or Ferry: Which is Cheapest?

When it comes to cost, the faster journey times mean the Eurotunnel is generally more expensive than the ferry, with a one-way ticket costing, on average, £152 per vehicle compared to £95 for the ferry.*

What is the cheapest day to travel?

On average, midweek journeys tend to work out cheaper. If your travel days are flexible, channel crossings on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday will save you around 10%. For the ferry, midweek tends to be around £90 for a one way journey compared to £100 at the weekend. For the Eurotunnel, it’s around £140 vs £155.

Eurotunnel Discounts & Offers

It’s rare to find discount or promo codes for Eurotunnel Le Shuttle. You might find you can save money by travelling at off peak times – midweek days and early morning or late evening crossings, for example.

How Can I Get a Discount on Eurotunnel Tickets?

While the 35 minute crossing time is quick, if you’re not in a hurry it’s worth comparing the cost of the Eurotunnel with the ferry. Our research shows that on average you can save roughly one third, and it only takes an hour longer!

You can quickly compare the cost of the Eurotunnel and ferry by using our booking form above.

Row of cars waiting to board the car ferry from England to HollandFerry or Eurotunnel?

English Channel Ferries

The ferry is a traditional way of crossing the English Channel with a journey time of around 90 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the port of departure and arrival. The ferry companies operating on the route include P&O Ferries, DFDS Seaways, and Irish Ferries. These companies offer a range of services, from basic crossings to more luxurious options with on-board restaurants, shopping, and entertainment. The ferry offers the opportunity to take a leisurely journey, with the option to walk around the deck, relax in a lounge, or enjoy the views of the sea and the coastlines of both England and France.


On the other hand, the Eurotunnel, also known as the “Chunnel”, is a high-speed rail service that runs beneath the English Channel. It provides a quicker crossing time of just 35 minutes, making it an ideal choice for those in a hurry or for those who prefer to travel by train. The Eurotunnel operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with up to 4 trains departing each hour. This makes it a convenient option for those travelling at any time of day or night. It provides a secure, fast and efficient service, with customers driving their cars straight onto the train which travels directly beneath the Channel.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Both the ferry and the Eurotunnel have their own advantages and disadvantages when it comes to travelling with pets and vehicles. The ferry provides a more relaxed journey, with plenty of space for pets to move around and stretch their legs. Some ferry companies also offer dedicated pet areas and kennels on board. On the Eurotunnel, pets are usually required to stay in the car for the duration of the journey. However, this can be a more convenient option for those travelling with larger or more difficult-to-handle pets, as there is no need to worry about taking them out of the car.

When it comes to vehicles, both the ferry and the Eurotunnel provide ample space for cars and other vehicles, including motorcycles, campervans, and caravans.

The choice between the ferry and the Eurotunnel for crossing the English Channel will depend on personal preference and the specific requirements of each trip. For those who enjoy a leisurely journey and the chance to enjoy the sea views and fresh air, the ferry is a good option and it’s a bit cheaper too. For those who prefer a quicker journey and the convenience of travelling by train, and for those who suffer from seasickness, the Eurotunnel is a better choice, but that time saving comes at a premium.

Whatever mode of transport is chosen, both the ferry and the Eurotunnel provide a convenient and efficient way of crossing the English Channel, with plenty of options to suit all needs and budgets.

* Average cost figures are from data analysed by on bookings made between August 2022 and March 2024.